Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Diets and Dog Poo - Mostly just poo

So... I lasted four days on the diet and I caved.  I caved big!  I had lost almost 6 lbs, but I guess that wasn't motivation enough for the starvation to continue.  This diet is not for the weak.  And I am oh, so weak.  So.  Now what?  Now I am going to continue the drops because they really are a good appetite suppressant.  However, I am not going to limit myself to 500 calories a day worth of lettuce, grilled chicken and apples.  It's just not doable for me!  I am going to cut carbs (the bad ones) and eat less.  It will be slower going than the illustrious 25 pounds I had hoped to lose in one month, but it will happen... eventually.

And, possible part of why I couldn't exist on the 500 calories is due, in part, to the poo.  I've dealt with a lot lately.  At the same time I was giving up on the diet, I was about to give up on this stinkin' dog!!  First off, what kind of dog digs out of it's own fence and then digs in to another fence?  That's ridiculous.  So, we bring her inside with the back hallway as her room, and a baby gate to contain her.  Bad idea. 

I had realized she couldn't be let go in the house because the one time I took my eyes off her for 5 minutes my husband and I started to smell something.  So, we searched.  We searched then den where we were at, we searched the daycare room.  We searched everywhere.  Finally, I went to my son's room (which is clear across the house from where we first smelled the smell.) and there in the floor was an enormous steaming pile of dog *BLEEP*  Poo doesn't cover it.  This was no lap dog accident.  This was a big dog "goodie."  And beside it was a puddle.  I was furious!  And disgusted beyond belief.  And, of course, since it was my idea to bring the horse dog in to our home, it was my job to clean up after it, I supposed.  Thank God for the dust pan with the long handle is all I got to say!

New Years' Eve Ruth woke me up.  She had escaped.  Luckily, she didn't go to my son's room or any other carpeted area, she came right to me and I let her out.  And, of course, she went to the neighbor's yard, found her hole, and let herself right in their yard with their dogs.  How embarrassing!!  We added another baby gate on top of the first one to make a wall that could not be scaled by the lab.

That night we went to my parent's house.  When we returned, Ruth met us at the door.  And, immediately, I smelled it.  She had knocked down the bottom gate and had free rain of the house.  The trash can was knocked over, there were two dirty diapers from the trash torn apart in one bedroom.  And, again, in my son's room she had found some nice "grass" to use as her restroom.  This time it was 3 piles.  PILES, I said.  And one puddle.  And, let me tell you, I was ready to be done with this whole thing.  I was ready to give her away!! 

On top of that, I am potty training my two year old.  She has mastered going number one in the potty, but not so much number two....  I've had it with poo!!!

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