My spirtual project this year...
Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. 1 Peter 4:8
I'm seeing a theme in my life. It seems to go by years, for the most part. God gives me a part of myself to work on and he throws little projects my way. Last year was very much about learning humility, letting go of pride and forgiveness.
I'm pretty sure the above verse is what this year is all about. I'd like to give a big shout out to one Joyce Meyer for bringing the verse to my attention. I love her, but man does she call me out sometimes via that TV broadcast in the mornings!
So, this will apply more to the ladies, but how many of you out there have that 1 or 2 people who you consider your "safe" people to talk to. You know, you get highly irritated with someone, so you pick up the phone and call your BFF or your mom or your sister, maybe even your husband, and "vent." After all, that doesn't count as gossip, right? You know it won't go any further than that person, so it's safe to "vent." And, by vent, I mean GRIPE and JUDGE and TALK BAD ABOUT BEHIND SOMEONE'S BACK. I mean, sure, it may very well stop with that person, but does that make it ok? And, heck! Sometimes we get so upset we don't care if the person we are talking to is "safe" or not! We'll rant and rave to whoever is within ear shot... and then regret it later.
I'm not going to lie to you, I do it! Sometimes it feels like I just HAVE to get something off my chest! Someone is taking advantage of me, someone is doing things differently from how I think they should be done, someone hurt my feelings, or someone said something out of line to me. All this is by MY standards. But, honestly, how many times do we say a prayer for those people? How many times do we stop and talk to God about the situation instead of grabbing the phone and sending a catty text to our "safe" person? Because: A. That text isn't helping ANYONE. and B. You gotta' be careful with those texts! Sometimes they go to the wrong people!!!
I'm thinking that instead of judging someone for doing something differently than I think they should, I should see them through God's eyes! I should realize that God loves this person immensely, and he wants me to do the same. I should do what I can to "cover" that person's sins. I should help make up for their shortcomings where I can and realize that MY idea of a shortcoming is not everyone else's definition of the same. When someone does something to really hurt me, I should talk to God first. I should pray FOR that person that God might heal whatever is broken in them that made them act that way.
There's a fine line between being a good Christian and getting totally taken advantage of. I think there have to be times when we stand up for ourselves and when we are open with people about how they are making us feel or if they are hurting us. But, I think that we should really seek the Holy Spirit's guidance in how to handle those situations before we act on our impulses. There's a humble way to approach someone and then there's anger, yelling and fits of rage that don't do ANY good!
Because, after all, the definition of gentle was once explained to me as this: Strength under control. I have a ways to go, but I really am working on being less judgmental, thinking and praying before I react to others, and trying harder to help "cover" the sins of my sisters and brothers. Because, God knows I have some things in me that I'd appreciate being covered instead of exposed!
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